Making vision boards always fell in that category of “I love the idea, but it feels silly to actually make one.”
I know and understand the importance of setting goals and writing them down to help with accountability. However, the first few times I sat down and thought, “I’m going to make a vision board”, it felt so cheesy and weird.
Maybe it was the cliche movie character stuck in my head – washed up high school football star trying to visualize his future in the NFL – or maybe it was my way of avoiding asking myself some big questions. Regardless, it took a loved one also going through the process to convince me to take the plunge.
When I did, it was awesome!
Tips to Getting Started on a Vision Board
Some basic tips I would suggest before getting started on your vision board:
- Make it your own. Make it as crafty or as simple as YOU want and like.
- Decide on a background. I prefer using a Shadow Box
. I think it looks nicer, and I can pin things that come off the board.
- Organize your ideas and reflect on what types of goals and wishes you want on your board before starting. I like to journal about it beforehand.
- Collect your supplies. I use magazine pictures, pictures printed from the internet and special mementos that symbolize a goal.
What Kinds of Goals Should I Put On My Vision Board?
I like to break down my vision board ideas into different categories. Not only does it help my brainstorming, but it allows me to think beyond my one new years resolution. Here are some categories and brainstorming questions I’ve used in the past.
I also start with my “One Word That Will Change Your Life” of the year somewhere on my board. It serves as a reminder that all my goals and aspirations are leading up to that overarching vision.
⇒ Health and Wellness
* Weight Loss Goal
* A New Diet Goal
* Eliminating Toxins in Your Household
* Is there a special health concern you want to focus on? One year, I wanted to focus on my respiratory system and getting it in better condition.
* A Healthy Habit (drink more water, a more regular sleep schedule)
⇒ Relationships
* Is there a friendship that needs your attention or you want to reconnect with?
* Spending more time with your significant other. (Date Night Calendar!)
* Family Goals – Immediate Family or Extended
* Building boundaries within the relationships in your life
* Being BRAVE to embark on making new relationships
⇒ Self-Care and Spirituality
* Making a self care routine and placing it on the calendar.
* Learn about a new belief system.
* Becoming more diligent in your spiritual practices.
⇒ Finances and Prosperity
* Is there debt you’d like to eliminate?
* A specific purchase you’d like to save up for
* Boost your savings account by a certain amount per paycheck
* Set a realistic budget and stick to it
* Start a new kind of savings account or consider Life Insurance
* Is there debt in your life you could refinance?
⇒ Travel
* Because it is fun to dream. Add a destination on your vision board that you’d like to travel to!
* Include someone you’d like to travel with.
* Start documenting your travels more diligently.
⇒ Recreation / Pursuit of Passion
* A hobby you’d like to start
* Set aside volunteer hours on the regular
* Have you found a passion that you enjoy learning about outside your family or job?
* Start a little side hustle. Extra income and something you enjoy!
* Start a blog! If I can do it, anyone can.
⇒ Career and Education
* What’s my next step in my career?
* Is there a promotion that I have my eyes on?
* What skills do I want to strengthen in my job?
* Could I be or seek a mentor?
* Is there informal or formal education that I need to procure those skills?
* Am I the best version of myself at work? The Five Side Effects of Kindness
* Do I need to consider a career change to improve my overall happiness?
Tick-Tock Time Frame
How often do I update my vision board?
Next, I update my vision board every six months. I update it in July before the beginning of the school year, and I check it again in December before the new calendar year.
Some things on my board will stay there. A few things will come off because I’ve accomplished them. Some things will come off and be replaced with something more specific. Some things will come off because my priorities have changes, and I’m not concerned with that any more.
Goal Time Frame
Knowing that I update my board every six months, I set some goals with that time span in mind. For example, “I want to read ten books before the next time I update my board.” Some of the goals on my board have a time frame but they are much longer.
However, many of my goals have no specific time frame at all. This does not mean that they are fantasy and I’m not working towards them. (If that’s the case, go ahead and take it off the board completely.) These goals I know life’s timing will work them out, and I’m in no rush to finalize them at a certain time.
The Best Part
These are all just suggestions. The best part of making a vision board is that it is completely YOURS. If you can’t think of a career goal right now, then don’t include one. You can always come back later. Do you want to include 2 health goals? Go for it! Do you want to add time frames to the back of each goal. Do it!
The more practical, the more purposeful the reflection and the goals you set on the board are… the more likely you are to actually want to look at it and make small steps each day to make those visions a reality.
So Go Be Brave, Friends! Set those visions high!
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Fantastic job!! DefinitDefinitely need to be specific on my board, and not willy nilly. You’ve given me awesome ideas.